Saturday, December 19, 2015

Learn more about original SPARTAN DIET

     The Spartans as with everything put their military above all, and their food and diet was no different. Their theory on food meant that they ate to be strong and healthy, and not to over indulge. That s why natural food, grown locally by the helots was were most of the Spartan diet would come from.
     Just like their attitude to war and physical excellence, the Spartan diet was just another component of their life. The diet was treated as just that, a diet and not an indulgence. The Spartan diet could be considered quite healthy for the time, and even nowadays would be a good diet with a balance of foods with no major over indulgence. As with everything the Spartans were organised and regimented and their diet was too.
     Common foods were meat and fish, with a wide variety of animals and fish consumed. Honey, milk, cheese and bread were also common, as were figs and wine. And of course fresh fruit would grow well in the warm Greek weather, providing the Spartans with lots of variety albeit rather basic.Of course, the Spartans as they were warriors, they were also fine hunters, not only could a Spartan strike fear into any enemy in the distance, I’m sure they had the same effect on their prey. The Spartans would use any animal they hunted for food, even though it was also considered a sport to them, they would not waste any fruits of their hunt.
     The Spartan diet would regularly consist of meat, including pigs, goat, and sheep. Fish would also be eaten when available, and of course and spoils from hunting would be on the menu too, including animals like wild boar and rabbits.

Want to be strong like the ancient Spartans? Check out their diet

     Dairy was also commonplace in the Sparta diet, with milk sourced from local sheep and goats. The milk would additionally be used to create cream and cheese for use in various dishes, and sealing cheese was a well known skill in all of Sparta.The Spartans did eat bread, although it was not a staple of their diet. Typically barley was used over wheat to create bread, although it is believed that on special occasions wheat bread would be made.
     The legendary Spartan black broth or black soup is thought to have been a staple food for the Spartan community, although certain historical information points that is was not a common dish. Either way it’s one of the most well known Spartan dishes.Fabled to be created from boiled pork, with salt, vinegar and blood, this thick soup or broth was not considered a delicacy but rather a means to an end. Whether the Spartans believed that this broth would give their soldiers strength or power, we do not know and unfortunately there are no detailed surviving recipes.

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