About Us...

      The great idea about globally connected planet that was originally launched in the antic history and promoted from people like Aleksandar and Cezar, now in the 21st century is reality. People from all over the world are communicating each other on a daily basis and live together as one big happy family. 

     The widespread availability of global goods, services, and ideas positively impacts the lifestyles of citizens. Through pooling knowledge and exchanging more goods and services, domestic economies expand and benefit from technological and medical developments. This increase in variety, even in basic goods, allows someone in Spain to drink Italian wine and eat French cheese while typing on a Chinese keyboard. Global exchange can allow the best of all worlds through specialization and maximizing various comparative advantages that involve quality or efficiency. Finally in the near future a wider array of products, services, technologies, medicines, and knowledge will become available and that these developments will have the potential to reach significantly larger customer bases. Naturally this picture is also reflecting also in the journalism. 
     First the printed newspapers, magazines and other hardcopy medias are nearly a long forgotten past. Their popularity, influence and power is downgrading rapidly every day. Even the biggest skeptics in the past, are recognizing today that the future of journalism is on the internet. 
Second, the local news, and regional based media are becoming week and unpopular because of their narrowness. On the world stage is coming completely different young generation who is more interested in cosmopolitan and hedonistic style of live then in local patriarchic customs that are pulling all us backwards. 
     That’s why we believe that in today s world there are news that are universal for the people of the whole planet. That’s why our editorial policy prefers global news that will be interesting for the people from all over the world. 
     Based on this two factors we expect our little project, constantly to grow and grow, and finally to spread worldwide with millions of readers who can simultaneously from Portugal to Japan to comment and debate on our news. 
      Our inside statistics tell us that every day we are much closer to that goal.

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